The Boys Locker Room and My School’s Response

Burying conversations, policing female students, and the lack of sensitisation training provided to teachers is a common occurrence in schools across Delhi and beyond. When a Delhi girl exposed a ‘bois locker room‘ group chat and its participants on Instagram late last night, social media blew up with conversations about how girls are sexually exploited…


I have always been great at making lists, Colour coding different tasks and beautifying them only to strike them off once the job was done, It gives me a sense of satisfaction, as though the more tasks I complete; the more I had achieved. Some days I wonder if your list comprised only of the…

Tea or Coffee? Both.

Today, in this very brief yet very important (only because it contributes to my procrastination before midterms) post, I am going to tell you something about myself that any guy or girl that wants to me take me out on a date should know (not that there are many of you). Todays world is constantly…

Citizens Talk 15.0

“Are you an introvert? Or an extrovert? Or an extroverted introvert? Or maybe an ambivert? Why so many labels? Why so many questions? I’m a human being, I like to talk to people but I don’t particularly enjoy going towards a person and talk to them. However, I have no problem whatsoever talking to people…

Day 76 – A day in school

As I write this, I am sitting in the computer class during French lesson. I am still wet from this morning’s rain, have a mild headache and am utterly groggy. This is normal. Everyone here is multilingual. I have found myself in a situation where people were talking about their favorite German words in dutch,…

Day 67- Alicante

So, in my last two days in Spain. I visited the town of Alicante.  The life is Spain seems like a dreamland. Everything is slow and easygoing. The sun comes out and pours love into the ocean spurting out beautiful shades of blue while all humans try to grasp and roll is the beauty it…

Belgium- Day 3

8:30 am; 2 September 2016  Personally, I can’t decide whether it’s getting easier or harder to be here. On one hand I feel like I’m getting more and more comfortable as the days pass and on the other I keep singling out things I miss about India. 10:00 am; Town Hall  My host brother took…

Belgium- Day 1

31 August 2016; 04:00 am; Indra Gandhi International Airport (Terminal 3) I leave the comfort of a place I have been calling home for the past eleven years. The reality of it all hadn’t quite sunk in until I called my best friend and discussed the possibility of meeting  upon y return. On the fabric…

#The Anonymous Letters Project

Dear Boo, You see I have always loved the concept of optimism. That part where you notice that the glass is half full rather than it is half empty. Where you focus on the part that you are getting something to drink rather than not the whole thing. I have always loved the concept of…

Sharma Ji;

Sharma Ji is a dark, chubby, old man who lives up in the hills of Himachal where he makes little bowls of flavor for the few travelers who dare to revisit the history that lies in those valleys. Sharma Ji is a world class chef. He doesn’t quite understand the concept of a crowded kitchen…